Butterflies Soar!

Butterflies whether they are in the pit of your stomach, floating over lush pastures or stickers on colorful books, are magnificent creatures that brings us feelings of joy and happiness!

There are over 165,000 known species found on every continent except Antarctic.

Butterflies and moths make-up an order of insects called Lepidoptera which contains over 180,000 known species.

The Exotic butterflies of the Tropics are spectacular and are extravagantly decorated in hues of pink, bright green and purple.

Butterflies eyes are made up of 6,000 lenses and can see ultraviolet light.

Butterflies wings move in figure “8” motion and they are cold blooded.

Butterflies are signs that your love one is near and are looking over you!

Many cultures throughout the years have associated Butterflies with our souls!

Around the world, Butterflies represent endurance, change, hope and life!

Butterflies are indicators of a healthy environment!

The life cycle of a butterfly is made up of four parts, the egg, the larva, the pupa and the adult.

Butterflies are beautiful, fragile and almost defenseless creatures.

Their predators are spiders, reptiles, other insects and small animals.

Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees!

Butterflies drink tears from reptiles to get the much needed sodium!

The next time you see a butterfly or butterflies and especially if they hover over you, it is a sign that your love one is letting you know, that are they fine and that you are not alone!

Butterflies Fill Our Hearts With Love, Warmth and Ever Lasting Light!

Embrace A Fantastic St. Patrick’s Day, Saturday, March 17, 2018!

Enjoy the stunning performance of legendary Irish-American Dancer Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance Musical!