Hugs Heal!

A powerful way to heal is implementing Hugging Therapy!

It has been proven that hugging and laughter are effective at healing anxiety, depression, disease, fear, loneliness, pain, sickness and stress.

Hugs can boost oxytocin levels which can heal feelings of anger, loneliness and isolation.

Hugs strengthen your immune system.  Hugs can boost your self-esteem.

Hugging relaxes your muscles.  Hugs can balance out your nervous system.

Hugs are a special gift of giving and receiving!

Hugs are like meditation.  Hugs can teach us to let go and enjoy being present in the moment.

We all need hugs!  Pets need hugs!

Hugs are even safer than shaking hands.

How many hugs have you given someone today!

Embrace A Fantastic Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2018!

My Beloved Late Husband Dick and I would have celebrated 42 years of marriage!