Celebrate The Beauty And Symbolism Of Lilacs!

Lilacs fragrance is amazing.

Lilac brushes are not native to North America.

Lilacs originated in Eastern Europe.

The Latin word for Lilac is Syringa Vulgaris.

The largest free Lilac Festival is The Rochester Lilac Festival

scheduled for May 12-21, 2023, located in Highland Park,

Upstate New York, Rochester, New York.

This popular festival will feature over 1800 Lilac bushes and over 500 different varieties.

Celebrate The Beauty Of the Lilacs!

Lilacs were an early favorite of two Presidents – George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Lilacs are know for their hardy nature and long lives.

Lilacs come to symbolize spring and renewal.

The Celtics saw lilacs as magical while during the Victorian age, lilacs were a symbol of love.

Like The Lilacs Let Your Inner Beauty Shine Bright For All To See.

What Do Lilacs Mean To You?

The Lilac Fairy!