Solve A Cruel Mystery!

Put on your favorite Purple on May 21, 2022, to help raise awareness and funds

to show your support to millions affected by LUPUS!

Lupus is one of the cruelest, most mysterious diseases on earth –

an unpredictable and misunderstood autoimmune disease that ravages different parts of your body.

Common symptoms include joint pain, skin rashes, overwhelming fatigue

and fevers that last for days or even weeks. 

Most people with Lupus do not look sick.

Lupus usually develops between ages 15 and 44 and it lasts a lifetime.

Lupus can strike anyone, but 90% of the people living with Lupus are women.

Men, children and teenagers can develop Lupus.

Wear Purple On Lupus Awareness Day, May 21, 2022!

For more information on LUPUS contact the Lupus Foundation of America

at (202) 349-1155 or the California chapter at (800) 558-0721!

Pack Your Bags And Travel To Beath-Taking Scotland – Land Of Celtic Myths And Legends!