Remembering Princess Diana!

Diana – Princess of Wales born on 7/1/1961, was a delicate whisper in the wind, with no real direction, who blossomed into a strong, independent, confident, compassionate, loving and fearless woman who projected wit and wisdom.  Prince Charles married Diana on 7/29/1981, who was seen as a real-life heroine of a fairy-tale.  Diana was the Read More

Lap of Love!

Lap of Love, is a network of dedicated veterinarians around the country whose goal is to empower every owner to care  for their beloved geriatric pets.  Lap of Love’s philosophy centers around human-animal bond and the needs for that special bond to be undisturbed as possible during this most difficult time.  Dani McVety, DVM and Read More

Unleash Your Fantasy!

The Phantom  lurks in a shadowy existence far beneath the majesty and splendor of the Paris Opera House.  The mysterious Phantom shamed by his personal appearance and feared by everyone, holds a love that he has for the beautiful Christine Daae.  This popular musical opened at Her Majesty’s Theatre October 9, 1986.  Andrew Lloyd Webber’s mesmerizing score Read More